Cloud platforms awareness & usage

This study was commissioned to RONIN by a global research firm, on behalf of one of the USA tech giants.

  • 200 completes
  • 25% IR in the main study
  • 3 weeks to achieve results


This study was commissioned to RONIN by a global research firm, on behalf of one of the USA tech giants.

The survey was a tracker aimed at expert Professional Developers and Data Scientists based in the USA. Initially, it had been fielded via panels. Yet, due to a very low Incidence Rate among traditional IT panellists, this approach was giving limited results, and RONIN has been contacted to top-up via an alternative solution.


The research objective was to understand the knowledge, and monitor the usage, of the 3 major cloud platforms, i.e. Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure, among expert Professional Developers and Data Scientists in USA.


Our Integrated Research and Social Media teams have implemented a Social Media recruitment and interviewing programme which included both Social Media advertisement and networking.

First, we identified the relevant social media environments / channels / groups for this level of IT PROs, then implemented hypertargeting (based on data provided by SM users via Registration, Profile and Behaviour) and provided consultancy on advertisement design and survey intro wording. The team has then worked on continuous campaign testing, refining and optimisation, while also managing the 1-2-1 networking.

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