Dairy farmer in the USA
Farm owners and managers with target quota by number of dairy cows from 40 to 2000. Location targeting in Wisconsin, New York state, Pennsylvania, Minnesota & Michigan. All targeted sample by RONIN by location and size of farm. 20 minute interview.
- 5 states targeted
- 250 interviews with subsets by size of farm
Target: dairy cows farmers (size: 200 to 1000/1500 cows)
Questionnaire: 15 minutes with open ended responses for 3 key questions
Sample: 50 dairies per state, in 5 different states (total = 250 interviews): Wisconsin, New York, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Michigan
All questionnaire programming and host by RONIN with SPSS data delivery upon completion with all open ended questions coded.
20 to 99 cows - 100 interviews
100 to 499 cows -100 interviews
More than 500 cows - 50 interviews
Targeted sample provided by RONIN by size of dairy herd and location.