Gastric Cancer Programme
Gastric cancer programme
A multi-wave study to explore management and therapy preferences for treatment of gastric cancer.
- 6 countries
- 3 continents
- 240 interviews
- 20 minutes online completion

A multi-wave study, however no more than 30% of respondents who completed the previous wave are allowed to participate in the second one.
Requirements were a minimum of 3 patient records per respondent, up to a maximum of 12 records in total. The incentive was increased proportionally.
To explore management and therapy preferences for treatment of gastric cancer.
Target respondents were Oncologists and Gastroenterologists.
Additional quotas on patient records based on the line of therapy the patient is currently on.
We conducted pre-tests ahead of the launch to collect respondents feedback on the survey and the user experience.
Phone recruitment was utilised to maximise the response rate in the short fieldwork time allowed.
RONIN's script automatically managed the incentive payments based on the number of patient charts submitted by each respondent.